- Extruded Boss/Base, Revolved Boss/Base, Extruded Cut, Revolved Cut, Fillet, Chamfer, Linear/Circular Pattern, Wrap
- Assembly, Insert Components, Mate, Coincident, Parallel, Perpendicular, Tangent, Concentric, Distance, Angle
- Configurations - to show part before & after processes such as honing, grinding, plating; as well as to show various dash numbers of base part with added or removed holes & features.

An example of a bolt.

A seal drawn with Top-Down design since the reddish rubber would likely be molded to the metal, not made separately and then assembled to the metal.
Notice the "InPlace" mate at the bottom of the Design Tree.

Another view of the seal

An example of a bevel gear.

A seal drawn with Top-Down design since the reddish rubber would likely be molded to the metal, not made separately and then assembled to the metal.
Notice the "InPlace" mate at the bottom of the Design Tree.

Another view of the seal

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